
American Express, MasterCard, Visa and Discover card payments can be billed in increments of monthly, quarterly, bi-annually or annually.

Payment by check can be done quarterly, bi-annually or annually. Monthly billing is not available by check unless special arrangements are made to have us produce a check for you automatically without sending out an invoice each month.

Quarterly billing is based upon a fiscal quarter.
January 1st - April 1st - July 1st - October 1st

What if I start my hosting during the quarterly billing period?
Your first quarter's hosting fee will be prorated. For example: If you were to begin your hosting on August 5th, you we would deduct 34 days worth of hosting charges. For pro-rate purposes, we base each service month on 30 days.

Are there any discount programs?
Bi-annual and annual payments will significantly reduce your hosting fee regardless of which method of payment you choose. Bi-annual and annual payments are billed on an anniversary basis from the date your service begins.

How do I change account billing frequency and mode of payment?
If you need to change your account billing frequency and mode of payment simply email accounting@univox.com for assistance with updating your account.

How do I update account contact information?
If you have a change of address or e-mail address or any other change of contact information regarding your account, be sure to inform our Accounting Department. You should also update your contact information in your InterNIC InterNIC record.

How do I get copies of my invoices?
If at some time in the future you would like to receive a copy of your renewal invoices please let us know. These are usually email in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. The Acrobat Reader is a free probram that can be downloaded from adobe.com . If you need an immediate copy of a prior invoice, please email accounting@univox.com.

Our invoice date is the renewal date.

What will it cost to upgrade my account?
Billing for Plan changes is processed within 30 days from the date of the change. You will be charged a plan change fee to cover the administrative effort to process the change. Additionally, the monthly rental fees will be prorated based on the time remaining in your billing cycle. The credit card on file will be charged for the Plan change within that 30 day window. Follow this link to read more information about changing from one domain plan to another plan type.

Who can I contact about InterNIC billing?
Questions pertaining to InterNIC Invoicing and Payment Procedures should be directed to Registration Services. They can be reached by phone at (703)742-4777 . Choose option number 1
They can also be emailed at: hostmaster@internic.net
More information about InterNIC billing procedures and other information can be found on their web site.

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